OSCE Annual Report 2005 - Chapter: OSCE field operations in Central Asia (fr)
The year 2005 was a pivotal one for the OSCE, in which the Organization recalled the historic 30th anniversary of the signing of the Helsinki Final Act, and the 15th anniversary of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe.
During the year, the OSCE further broadened the range of its activities to better address contemporary challenges like organized crime, migration and intolerance.
With Slovenia holding the OSCE Chairmanship in 2005, the Ministerial Council in Ljubljana was conducted in a constructive spirit and took a number of decisions aimed at enabling the Organization to tackle new threats and challenges to security, and at strengthening its effectiveness for the future.
Les idées, opinions, conclusions et informations contenues dans ce document ne sont pas celles de l’Organisation pour la Sécurité et la Coopération en Europe (OSCE), ni nécessairement approuvées par l’Organisation, sauf si l’OSCE est expressément indiquée comme étant l’auteur du document.