The Rule of Law by Tom Bingham
Publishing date: 29 iýul 2019
Content type: Gollanma / Sözlük
Where we are: Aşgabatdaky ÝHHG merkezi
What we do: Kanunyň ýokary hukuklygy
Publisher: Ýewropada howpsuzlyk we hyzmatdaşlyk boýunça gurama
Turkmen translation of this book was made by the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat within the framework of the Extra-Budgetary Project on “Enhancing co-operation in the field of independence of the judiciary and rule of law in Turkmenistan” implemented with the financial support of the British Embassy in Turkmenistan. Non-exclusive permission to translate and distribute in electronic book form only a Turkmen translation of this book, available as a free download to members of the legal community in Turkmenistan, was granted to the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat by United Agents LLP (12- 26 Lexington Street, London, W1F OLE, +44 (0)20 3214 0800, on behalf of the copyright holder, The Estate of Lord Bingham of Cornhill.
Guidelines on legislative drafting skills
Publishing date: 19 ýanwar 2012
Content type: Gollanma / Sözlük
Where we are: Aşgabatdaky ÝHHG merkezi
What we do: Kanunyň ýokary hukuklygy
Publisher: Ýewropada howpsuzlyk we hyzmatdaşlyk boýunça gurama
The objective of this handbook is to assist future lawyers and other persons who need full and systematic knowledge about the legislative system formation in mastering the knowledge about the complex system of methods and techniques of reflecting legal requirements in the legislative acts as well as to enable potential lawmakers with an opportunity to advance their professional skills underpinned by the scientific basis. This document is only available in Russian and Turkmen.
Döwlet we jemgyýetçilik ýaşaýyş jaý gaznasynyň öýlerindäki ýaşaýyş jaýlardan peýdalanmagyň hukuk taýdan düzgünleşdirilişi
Publishing date: 25 fewral 2011
Content type: Barlag / hasabat
Where we are: Aşgabatdaky ÝHHG merkezi
What we do: Kanunyň ýokary hukuklygy
Publisher: Ýewropada howpsuzlyk we hyzmatdaşlyk boýunça gurama
Şu Maglumat güwänamasy ÝHHG-niň Aşgabatdaky Merkeziniň tabşyrygy boýunça hukukçy I.W. Kaganowskiý tarapyndan taýýarlandy.
Türkmenistanyň hereket edýän kanunçylygyna laýyklykda ýaşaýyş jaýa eýeçilik hukugy
Publishing date: 31 dekabr 2009
Content type: Barlag / hasabat
Where we are: Aşgabatdaky ÝHHG merkezi
What we do: Adam hukuklary, Kanunyň ýokary hukuklygy
Publisher: Ýewropada howpsuzlyk we hyzmatdaşlyk boýunça gurama
Şu Maglumat güwänamasy ÝHHG-niň Aşgabatdaky Merkeziniň tabşyrygy boýunça hukukçy I.W. Kaganowskiý tarapyndan taýýarlandy. Şu Güwänamanyň mazmuny boýunça bellikleri we teklipleri ÝHHG-niň Merkezine ugratmagyňyzy haýyş edýäris. Fransiýanyň Türkmenistandaky Ilçihanasynyň maliýe goldawy bilen çap edildi