Compendium of relevant reference materials and resources on ethical sourcing and prevention of trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation in supply chains
Publishing date: 22 March 2018
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Secretariat
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The objective of the Compendium of Resources is to take stock of the existing legislation, policies, guidelines, recommendations, reports, studies, and other types of initiatives developed to better understand and respond to the global problem of trafficking in human beings through its prevention in supply chains. The resources included in the Compendium do not represent by any means an exhaustive list and are only intended to illustrate the initiatives identified by the OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings during the development of this project. The Compendium is intended for the use by government officials involved in policy making, as well as businesses and other stakeholders interested to learn from current practices in order to further enhance their own measures on ethical sourcing and the prevention of human trafficking in supply chains.
Model Guidelines on Government Measures to Prevent Trafficking for Labour Exploitation in Supply Chains
Publishing date: 13 February 2018
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The aim of these model guidelines is to provide a practical tool to assist OSCE participating States and Partners for Co-operation in implementing concrete measures to prevent trafficking in human beings in supply chains. The publication highlights how States can implement legislation and policies that promote transparency to ensure that public supply chains are free from trafficked labour; and promote the fair and ethical recruitment of workers.
2016-2017 Report of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings
Publishing date: 6 December 2017
Collections: Annual Reports of the OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating THB
Content type: Annual report
Where we are: OSCE Secretariat
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This is the 10th Report produced by the OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (SR/CTHB) according to the requirements of OSCE Ministerial Council Decision No. 13/05 on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings. This report provides a summary of the wide range of activities carried out by the Office from 1 January, 2016 to 1 November, 2017, with additional sections that focus on the work of the OSCE’s executive structures and field operations.
From Reception to Recognition: Identifying and Protecting Human Trafficking Victims in Mixed Migration Flows
Publishing date: 18 January 2018
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Secretariat
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings, Migration
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
A Focus on First Identification and Reception Facilities Refugees and Migrants in the OSCE Region. Drawing upon almost two years of fact-finding field missions and ad-hoc expert research at grass-roots level in European countries most impacted by the present situation, this report focuses on the challenges and opportunities of the full spectrum of anti-trafficking responses at first identification and reception facilities for migrants and refugees in the OSCE region.
Survey Report 2016
Publishing date: 19 December 2016
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Secretariat
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Making use of data from fifty-two of fifty-seven OSCE member states and over 90 NGO's, the Survey offers a comprehensive overview of the status of current efforts to implement anti-trafficking commitments and recommended actions to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings across the OSCE region and has been prepared by the OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings.
Factsheet on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in the OSCE Region
Publishing date: 11 March 2016
Collections: Factsheets of the OSCE Secretariat's units
Content type: Factsheet
Where we are: OSCE Secretariat
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Factsheet from the Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings.
2014-2015 Report of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings
Publishing date: 17 December 2015
Collections: Annual Reports of the OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating THB
Content type: Annual report
Where we are: OSCE Secretariat
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This is the 9th Report produced by the OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (SR/CTHB) according to the requirements of OSCE Ministerial Council Decision No. 13/05 on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings. This report provides a summary of the wide range of activities carried out by the Office from 1 March, 2014 to 1 September, 2015, with additional sections that focus on the work of the OSCE’s executive structures and field operations.
A Case Law Compendium in Trafficking in Human Beings
Publishing date: 26 January 2016
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings, Rule of law
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
A Case Law Compendium in Trafficking in Human Beings is primarily intended for legal practitioners such as prosecutors and judges but also for those who deal with issues on trafficking in human beings as part of their scientific or similar interests.
Trafficking in Human Beings: A Training Module for Judges and Prosecutors
Publishing date: 27 January 2016
Content type: Guide / manual / handbook
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings, Rule of law
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The purpose of this module is to help legal trainers in Bosnia and Herzegovina to develop and conduct training activities aimed at strengthening capacities of judges and prosecutors to recognize criminal offence of trafficking in human beings, effectively prosecute and punish offenders while ensuring protection of victims. It is not available in English.
Legal framework and recommendations for the application of the principle of impunity for victims of trafficking in human beings in the Republic of Serbia
Publishing date: 17 November 2015
Content type: Book
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Serbia
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings, Rule of law
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The application of the principle of impunity is an obligation of the state arising from ratified international documents, but also an approach to combating trafficking in human beings based on full protection and respect of the victims rights. Punishing victims of trafficking for crimes whose