Hate Monitor Report, November 2021
Publishing date: 22 December 2021
Content type: Guide / manual / handbook
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
What we do: Human rights, Rule of law, Tolerance and non-discrimination
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
It is important to now what is a hate crime. When a hate crime is committed, one or more perpetrators target the victim, which can be one or more people or property, because of a protected aspect of the victim's identity, such as religion or ethnicity, race, sexual orientation or disability. Similarly, a hate incident is an act of hostility motivated by prejudice or bias that does not necessarily reach the threshold of a criminal offence, or the criminal nature of which is yet to be determined. A hate crime is any crime where the perpetrator is driven by prejudice or bias. Criminal offence + bias motive = hate crime
The enjoyment of Freedom of Peaceful Assembly in BiH: monitoring observations of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Publishing date: 10 October 2021
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
What we do: Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Annex VI of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina envisages the role of the OSCE in monitoring the human rights situation in the country. This provision has served as the basis of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina's (the Mission's) human rights monitoring over the past 25 years.
The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina Guidelines for Co-operation Between Police and Media
Publishing date: 16 April 2021
Content type: Guide / manual / handbook
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
What we do: Media freedom and development
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
During the performance of their professional tasks and in the interest of the public, the police and the media realize cooperation and create responsible, professional and partnership relations and practices based on understanding, trust and proactive approach.
The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina Guidelines for Co-operation Between Media and Police
Publishing date: 16 April 2021
Content type: Guide / manual / handbook
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
What we do: Media freedom and development
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
During the performance of their professional tasks and in the interest of the public, the police and the media realize cooperation and create responsible, professional and partnership relations and practices based on understanding, trust and proactive approach.
Report Hate Crimes
Publishing date: 4 March 2021
Collections: Hate crimes related documents and publications
Content type: Guide / manual / handbook
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
What we do: Human rights, Rule of law, Tolerance and non-discrimination
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
It is important to now what is a hate crime. When a hate crime is committed, one or more perpetrators target the victim, which can be one or more people or property, because of a protected aspect of the victim's identity, such as religion or ethnicity, race, sexual orientation or disability. Similarly, a hate incident is an act of hostility motivated by prejudice or bias that does not necessarily reach the threshold of a criminal offence, or the criminal nature of which is yet to be determined. A hate crime is any crime where the perpetrator is driven by prejudice or bias. Criminal offence + bias motive = hate crime
Assessing Needs of Judicial Response to Corruption through Monitoring of Criminal Cases (ARC), Third Annual Report On Judicial Response To Corruption: The Impunity Syndrome
Publishing date: 20 November 2020
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This is the third public report by the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina based on the monitoring of corruption cases in the country. This report has been produced as part of the Mission’s Project on Assessing Needs of Judicial Response to Corruption through Monitoring of Criminal Cases, launched in October 2016 with the support of the US Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.
Human Rights in times of COVID-19- Identified omissions in realization of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Publishing date: 17 November 2020
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
What we do: Human rights, Gender equality
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This report is the result of cooperation between the Banja Luka Human Rights Centre and the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (the Mission) and is largely based on the Mission's monitoring with regard to respect for human rights in BiH in times of the pandemic.
COVID-19 Crisis Response: Human Rights And Gender Analysis
Publishing date: 17 November 2020
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
What we do: Human rights, Gender equality
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
COVID-19 has impacted the lives of each and every one of us. Regardless of where in the world we found ourselves during the outbreak of this virus, limitations on freedom have been implemented that would not have been imagined just months earlier.
'Discrimination in Bosnia and Herzegovina- Public Perceptions, Attitudes, and Experiences'
Publishing date: 20 March 2020
Content type: Study / report
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
What we do: Human rights, Tolerance and non-discrimination
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This report presents the findings of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (the Mission) survey measuring the perceptions, attitudes, and personal experience of a representative sample of 1001 adult residents (523 men and 478 women) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) regarding discrimination in BiH conducted from 12 August to 13 September 2019.
Aarhus Centres in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Publishing date: 10 February 2020
Content type: Brochure
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina
What we do: Environmental activities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
In order to support the implementation of the Aarhus Convention in BiH, a national Network of Aarhus Centres was formed in 2013 under the auspices of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Network represents a platform for exchanging information between competent authorities on the one hand and the public on the other. It encourages transparency within the work of public bodies and enables citizens to voice their views and concerns on decisions that may have an impact on the environment. The BiH Network of Aarhus Centres comprises four Aarhus Centres based in Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Tuzla and Zenica. The Aarhus Centres are part of a broader OSCE-wide network which covers 15 countries in South Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the South Caucuses.