ODIHR in Ukraine
Publishing date: 15 January 2025
Content type: Factsheet
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Democratization, Human rights, Good governance, Rule of law, Tolerance and non-discrimination
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
A factsheet on ODIHR's activities in Ukraine
Belief, Dialogue and Security — Fostering dialogue and joint action across religious and belief boundaries
Publishing date: 2 October 2024
Content type: Guide / manual / handbook
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
ODIHR has developed this guide in response to calls from participating States to give them guidance and practical tools to help them create an environment that enables fruitful dialogue and joint action across religious and belief boundaries.
Quick Guide on Preventing and Addressing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Places of Deprivation of Liberty
Publishing date: 24 September 2024
Content type: Guide / manual / handbook
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Human rights, Gender equality
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This is a quick reference book containing practical information about the problem of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in criminal justice facilities. It proposes various safeguards to prevent and respond to such violence.
Effective and Human Rights-Compliant Counter-Terrorism Policing: OSCE/ODIHR Training Courses for Law Enforcement
Publishing date: 10 April 2024
Content type: Brochure
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Human rights, Countering terrorism
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Introduction to the Nelson Mandela Rules International Training Programme, Trainer’s Manual
Publishing date: 20 September 2023
Content type: Guide / manual / handbook
Where we are: Troika, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This publication has been developed to guide trainers leading 4-day in-person training courses for prison staff designed by the OSCE’s Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and Penal Reform International (PRI) in partnership with the Swedish Prison and Probation Service (SPPS) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Addressing racially motivated crimes against Roma, Sinti and Travellers: towards effective and non-discriminatory policing
Publishing date: 17 August 2023
Content type: Guide / manual / handbook
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Human rights, Roma and Sinti, Tolerance and non-discrimination
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
OSCE/ODIHR and Council of Europe joint training for law-enforcement officers on human rights and non-discriminatory policing.
OSCE Human Dimension Commitments: Volume 2, Chronological Compilation (4th Edition)
Publishing date: 27 April 2023
Collections: OSCE Human Dimension Commitments - 4th Edition
Content type: Book
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings, Democratization, Human rights, Good governance, Gender equality, Migration, Roma and Sinti, Youth, Rule of law, Tolerance and non-discrimination
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This volume presents chronologically the OSCE's human dimension commitments over its 30-year history. It is intended for use by government officials and civil society organizations, academics, students, and practitioners alike.
OSCE Human Dimension Commitments: Volume 1, Thematic Compilation (4th Edition)
Publishing date: 27 April 2023
Collections: OSCE Human Dimension Commitments - 4th Edition
Content type: Book
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings, Democratization, Human rights, Good governance, Gender equality, Migration, Roma and Sinti, Youth, Rule of law, Tolerance and non-discrimination
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
This volume is arranged thematically according to the main issues related to the human dimension. It is intended for use by government officials and civil society organizations, academics, students, and practitioners alike.
Code of Practice for Ensuring the Rights of Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking
Publishing date: 14 April 2023
Content type: Guide / manual / handbook
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings, Human rights
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
In response to the lack of survivor inclusion to date, and in line with its objectives, ODIHR, in consultation with ISTAC and other relevant anti-trafficking stakeholders, developed this policy guidance. It reflects participating States’ obligations as well as international good practices to protect victims and survivors of human trafficking under international, regional and national laws as well as with National Referral Mechanisms (NRMs) or equivalent mechanisms. It aligns with OSCE commitments and draws on ODIHR’s NRM Handbook, which also recognizes the importance of the contributions of survivor leaders to all aspects of effective anti-trafficking work.
Democracy and Human Rights in the OSCE: The ODIHR Annual Report 2022
Publishing date: 16 March 2023
Collections: ODIHR Annual Reports
Content type: Annual report
Where we are: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
What we do: Combating trafficking in human beings, Democratization, Human rights, Education, Elections, Gender equality, Migration, Reform and co-operation in the security sector, Roma and Sinti, Youth, Rule of law, Tolerance and non-discrimination
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe