Documents library
Report by the High Commissioner on National Minorities, Ambassador Lamberto Zannier
Publishing date: 16 November 2017
Collections: 1164th Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Council, High Commissioner on National Minorities statements to the OSCE Permanent Council
Content type: Statement / speech
Where we are: OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Permanent Council
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
1164th Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Council
Keynote Address by Lamberto Zannier, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities to the UN Human Rights Council – 10th Forum on Minority Issues
Publishing date: 30 November 2017
Content type: Statement / speech
Where we are: OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Keynote Address by Lamberto Zannier, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities to the UN Human Rights Council – 10th Forum on Minority Issues “Minority Youth: Towards Diverse and Inclusive Societies”, Geneva, Switzerland 30 November 2017.
Launch of the Graz Recommendations on Access to Justice and National Minorities
Publishing date: 14 November 2017
Content type: Statement / speech
Where we are: OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Keynote Speech by Lamberto Zannier, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, to the Launching Conference of the Graz Recommendations on Access to Justice and National Minorities, Graz, Austria, 14 November 2017.
Keynote speech by Lamberto Zannier, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities to the Forum on Language Compliance
Publishing date: 9 November 2017
Content type: Statement / speech
Where we are: OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
What we do: Education, National minority issues
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Keynote speech "The Importance of Language Compliance" by Lamberto Zannier, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, to the Forum on Language Compliance, Prishtinë/Priština, 9 November 2017.
Keynote speech by Lamberto Zannier, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Publishing date: 25 October 2017
Content type: Statement / speech
Where we are: OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Keynote speech by Lamberto Zannier, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, to the OSCE Mediterranean Conference 2017, Palermo, Sicily, 25 October 2017.
Side event: Presentation on drafting new HCNM Guidelines on National Minorities and the Media in the Digital Age
Publishing date: 10 October 2017
Content type: Conference / meeting document
Where we are: OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
What we do: Media freedom and development, National minority issues
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Side event: Presentation on drafting new HCNM Guidelines on National Minorities and the Media in the Digital Age, 19th Central Asia Media Conference, 18-19 October 2017, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Not available in English.
Informal briefing to the Permanent OSCE Missions and Delegations of participating States
Publishing date: 24 May 2017
Content type: Statement / speech
Where we are: OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Henrik Villadsen, Director and Officer-in-Charge, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Launch of the OSCE-UNHCR “Handbook on Statelessness in the OSCE Area: International Standards and Good Practices”
Publishing date: 2 March 2017
Content type: Statement / speech
Where we are: OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Address by Henrik Villadsen, Director and Officer-in-Charge, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, to the Launch of the OSCE-UNHCR “Handbook on Statelessness in the OSCE Area: International Standards and Good Practices", Vienna, 2 March 2017.
Address by Henrik Villadsen, Director and Officer-in-Charge, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Publishing date: 10 November 2016
Content type: Statement / speech
Where we are: OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Address at the OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) III: National Minorities, Bridge Building and Integration, Vienna, Austria, 10 November 2016.
Address by Henrik Villadsen, Director and Officer-in-Charge, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Publishing date: 26 October 2016
Content type: Statement / speech
Where we are: OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Address at the Conference ‘Improving the legal framework and policies: draft law on the protection of national minorities in the Republic of Albania’, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania, Tirana, Albania, 26 October 2016.