Documents library
List of participants
Publishing date: 18 October 2019
Content type: Conference / meeting document
Where we are: OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
What we do: Media freedom and development
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
List of participants who attended the 21st Central Asia Media Conference in Bishkek, on 17-18 July 2019.
List of participants
Publishing date: 17 October 2019
Content type: Conference / meeting document
Where we are: OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
What we do: Media freedom and development
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
List of participants who attended the 16th South Caucasus Media Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia, 9-10 October 2019.
Presentation by Ekaterine Basilaia
Publishing date: 17 October 2019
Content type: Conference / meeting document
Where we are: OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
What we do: Media freedom and development
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Session IV: Overview of media freedom developments in the region, 16th South Caucasus Media Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia, 10 October 2019.
Presentation by Ashot Melikyan
Publishing date: 17 October 2019
Content type: Conference / meeting document
Where we are: OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
What we do: Media freedom and development
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Session II: Safety of journalists offline and online in times of political change, 16th South Caucasus Media Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia, 9 October 2019. Available only in Russian.
Presentation by Ivane Makharadze
Publishing date: 17 October 2019
Content type: Conference / meeting document
Where we are: OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
What we do: Media freedom and development
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Session IV: Overview of media freedom developments in the region, 16th South Caucasus Media Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia, 10 October 2019.
Presentation by Giorgi Gotsiridze
Publishing date: 17 October 2019
Content type: Conference / meeting document
Where we are: OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
What we do: Media freedom and development
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Session III: Regulatory environment for media freedom and media pluralism, 16th South Caucasus Media Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia, 9 October 2019.
Presentation by Ara Ghazaryan
Publishing date: 17 October 2019
Content type: Conference / meeting document
Where we are: OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
What we do: Media freedom and development
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Session III: Regulatory environment for media freedom and media pluralism, 16th South Caucasus Media Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia, 9 October 2019.
Biographical profiles of speakers and moderators
Publishing date: 5 October 2019
Content type: Conference / meeting document
Where we are: OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
What we do: Media freedom and development
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
16th South Caucasus Media Conference- "Strengthening media freedom and safety of journalists in a changing environment", Tbilisi, 9-10 October 2019.
Updated legal review of the draft Law on Audiovisual Media and the Law of Electronic Communications in Albania
Publishing date: 19 July 2019
Collections: Legal reviews
Content type: Legal document
Where we are: OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
What we do: Media freedom and development, Media laws
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Updated legal review on the draft laws on changes and amendments to the law on audiovisual media and the law of electronic communications in the Republic of Albania (Proposal of a Law on Media Services), and other relevant provisions regarding the regulation of certain types of content provided through the Internet. The analysis was prepared by Dr. Joan Barata Mir, an independent media freedom expert.
Publishing date: 20 September 2019
Content type: Conference / meeting document
Where we are: OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
What we do: Media freedom and development
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe