News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine- based on information received up until 6 May 2014, 19:00
Publishing date: 8 May 2014
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
The situation in both the east and in some parts of southern Ukraine remained tense. Tensions in Luhansk remain. Central and western parts of the country remained calm...
Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine- based on information received up until 5 May 2014, 19:00
Publishing date: 7 May 2014
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Tensions continue in Donbas. Other parts of the country remained calm. No serious security incidents were observed in Odessa, but the overall atmosphere in the city was quite tense...
Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine- based on information received up until 19:00, 4 May
Publishing date: 6 May 2014
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
After the incidents in Odessa on 3 May the situation in both the east and in some parts of southern Ukraine remained tense. Central and western parts of the country remained calm.
Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine- based on information received up until 02 May 2014, 19:00 (Kyiv time)
Publishing date: 5 May 2014
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
The situation in eastern and southern Ukraine has deteriorated. Reports of more occupations of buildings and violence in Odessa and Sloviansk-Kramatorsk reportedly left at least 40 dead. In central and western part of the country the situation remained calm...
Statement on behalf of OSCE Chief Monitor in Ukraine Ertugrul Apakan
Publishing date: 3 May 2014
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission is delighted with news of the release of the military observers held hostage since Friday 25 April and pleased to have been able to assist the Ukrainian authorities in the efforts that led to their release.
OSCE Chief Monitor calls for end to violence in Ukraine
Publishing date: 2 May 2014
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Kyiv, 3 May 2014- In the course of the past 24 hours, the situation in eastern and southern Ukraine has deteriorated further. More violence across this region has left many injured and led to dozens of lives lost.
Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine- based on information received up until 30 April 2014, 19:00 (Kyiv time)
Publishing date: 2 May 2014
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
The situation in Ukraine remained tense in Luhansk and, in particular, and in Donetsk regions. In other parts of the country an increased police presence was observed due to the fear of possible provocations during May holidays.