News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
OSCE Centre in Astana supports conference for law students on International Human Rights Day
Publishing date: 10 December 2009
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Human rights, Rule of law
ALMATY, 10 December 2009- Law students, young academics and law school professors discussed Kazakhstan's international human rights commitments and mechanisms for their implementation at an OSCE Centre-supported conference in Almaty today...
OSCE Centre supports dialogue between civil society and political parties in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 26 November 2009
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Democratization, Human rights, Rule of law
ASTANA, 26 November 2009- A roundtable meeting on effective interaction between non-governmental organizations and political parties was organized by the OSCE Centre in Astana and the Foundation for Parliamentary Development in Kazakhstan today...
Perspectives of Kazakhstan's 2010 Chairmanship discussed at OSCE-supported conference in Almaty
Publishing date: 26 November 2009
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Democratization, Rule of law
ALMATY, 26 November 2009- An academic conference on perspectives and challenges of Kazakhstan's 2010 OSCE Chairmanship took place in Almaty today...
OSCE Centre supports discussion to strengthen Kazakhstan's legal reforms
Publishing date: 6 November 2009
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Democratization, Rule of law
ASTANA, 6 November 2009-Officials from the government and the presidential administration as well as parliamentarians and high-ranking civil servants involved in Kazakhstan's law-making process, policy-making and legal reform discussed Kazakhstan's...
Kazakhstan's draft migration law discussed at OSCE workshop in Astana
Publishing date: 29 October 2009
Content type: Press release
ASTANA, 29 October 2009- Kazakhstan's draft migration law is the focus of an OSCE workshop on international standards on migration policy taking place in Astana today.
Roundtable held on OSCE/ODIHR reviews of draft laws on crime prevention and combating domestic violence in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 27 October 2009
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Human rights, Policing, Rule of law
ASTANA, 27 October 2009- An OSCE roundtable meeting to discuss draft laws on crime prevention and combating domestic violence, as well as legal opinions prepared by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, started in Astana today...
OSCE Centre in Astana supports workshop on NGO co-operation with media, state
Publishing date: 23 October 2009
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Democratization, Human rights, Media freedom and development, Rule of law
OSKEMEN, Kazakhstan, 23 October 2009- A workshop organized by the OSCE Centre in Astana on enhancing non-governmental organizations' co-operation with the media and state institutions began today in Oskemen in eastern Kazakhstan.