News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 51/2022 issued on 4 March 2022
Publishing date: 4 March 2022
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Summary During the night of 3 to 4 March, the Kherson Monitoring Team heard shooting. On 4 March, internet and mobile coverage became intermittent at the SMM’s office in Kherson city. Following the instruction of 24 February to temporarily evacuate all SMM international mission members, the Kharkiv
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 50/2022 issued on 3 March 2022
Publishing date: 3 March 2022
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Summary On the morning of 3 March, the SMM continued to hear explosions around Kherson city. Following the instruction of 24 February to temporarily evacuate all SMM international mission members, the Kharkiv Monitoring Team continued its evacuation westwards through Ukraine, while the Kherson
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 49/2022 issued on 3 March 2022
Publishing date: 3 March 2022
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Summary One national Mission member was reported killed by shelling in Kharkiv. During the evening of 1 March and morning of 2 March, the SMM continued to hear multiple explosions and heavy machine-gun fire in and around Kherson city. It also observed the movement of Russian Federation Armed Forces
OSCE SMM Spot Report 6/2022: A member of the armed formations threatened the SMM at a training area near Shymshynivka, Luhansk region
Publishing date: 17 February 2022
Content type: Spot report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
On the morning of 16 February, while the SMM was on patrol at a training area of the armed formations near Shymshynivka (non-government-controlled, 27km south-west of Luhansk), an unarmed member of the armed formations requested the Mission to leave the area, stating that the Mission’s presence was not allowed during live-fire exercises and that it should seek prior authorization from those in control...
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 48/2022 issued on 1 March 2022
Publishing date: 2 March 2022
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Summary During the evening of 28 February and during the morning on 1 March, the SMM continued to hear multiple explosions and heavy machine-gun fire in and around the cities of Donetsk, Kharkiv, and Kherson. On 1 March, the Monitoring Teams from Donetsk and Luhansk Patrol Hubs in non-government
Press Statement from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine
Publishing date: 13 February 2022
Content type: Press statement
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
KYIV, 13 February 2022- The Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine is a civilian mission. The majority of international mission members are seconded by OSCE participating States. The secondment system allows participating States to make decisions inter alia on the relocation of their secondees in or out of the country. Recently, certain participating States have decided that their respective secondees in the SMM should leave Ukraine within the next days.
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 47/2022 issued on 28 February 2022
Publishing date: 28 February 2022
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Summary During the evening of 27-28 February and from early morning hours on 28 February, the SMM continued to hear multiple explosions, including multiple launch rocket system and heavy artillery fire in and around the cities of Kharkiv and Kherson. The Mission completed the evacuation activities
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 46/2022 issued on 27 February 2022
Publishing date: 27 February 2022
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
Until the late hours of the night of 26-27 February and from the early morning hours on 27 February, the SMM continued to hear multiple explosions, including multiple launch rocket system and heavy artillery fire in and around the cities of Kharkiv, Kherson, and Odessa. The Mission completed
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) Daily Report 45/2022 issued on 26 February 2022
Publishing date: 26 February 2022
Content type: Daily report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
From the evening of 24 February, the Mission has continued to hear multiple explosions, including from multiple launch rocket systems and heavy artillery fire in and near the cities of Kherson, Donetsk, Kharkiv, and Kyiv. In downtown Kyiv, it also heard small-arms fire near its headquarters. The
OSCE SMM Spot Report 5/2022: A member of the armed formations threatened the SMM at the border crossing point near Dovzhanske, Luhansk region
Publishing date: 13 February 2022
Content type: Spot report
Where we are: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (closed)
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution
On the morning of 11 February, while on patrol at the border crossing point near Dovzhanske (non-government-controlled, 84km south-east of Luhansk), the SMM was approached by a member of the armed formations who asked the patrol to state its task...