News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
Training of trainers on gender-responsive budgeting focus of OSCE-supported workshop in Montenegro
Publishing date: 19 October 2023
Fifteen public officials from five ministries and one parliamentary committee successfully completed a four-day training course ending on 19 October, organized by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro and the Secretariat for Competitiveness Council. These officials, are now qualified to train their counterparts on implementing gender-responsive budgeting in state institutions.
OSCE Mission to Montenegro organizes court simulation training on gender-based violence
Publishing date: 19 September 2023
In order to improve institutional response to cases of violence against women, the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, in co-operation with the Supreme Court, is hosting a three-day workshop that simulates criminal procedure in respect of charges based on serious allegations of gender-based violence. The workshop takes place in Budva from 19 to 21 September.
OSCE-supported research shows gender gap in real estate ownership in Montenegro
Publishing date: 4 July 2023
Women in Montenegro own 36% and 31% of the total number of residential and commercial/business units respectively. However, only 25% of the total square footage of all registered real estate belong to women. The same percentage of women (25%) are the sole owners of real estate, while as much as 59% of men have 1/1 ownership. Women most often acquire real estate by purchase- 40%, while 36% of them acquired real estate by inheritance. These are some of the key findings from a research Gender and property ownership in Montenegro- mapping the property gap, presented on 4 July in Podgorica.
OSCE Mission to Montenegro supports SOS Helpline introduce microgreen farming as an occupational therapy for the women survivors of gender-based violence
Publishing date: 26 June 2023
The OSCE Mission to Montenegro continues in its support of the SOS Helpline Nikšić as it develops microgreens farming as an occupational therapy for the women survivors of gender-based violence. In May and June, the Mission provided microgreens equipment and supplies as well as expertise in developing a Handbook for Microgreens Cultivation. This will be followed by trainings for survivors and NGO staff.
Parliamentary staff receive expert support from OSCE Mission to Montenegro in preparing budget circulars from gender perspective
Publishing date: 17 May 2023
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Mission to Montenegro
What we do: Democratization, Gender equality
How to draft a gender responsive budget was the focus of a two-day workshop for staff of parliamentary committees and units, organized by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro on 15 and 16 May in Podgorica.
Ensuring that gender is mainstreamed in public administration strategic documents the focus of an OSCE-supported workshop
Publishing date: 1 March 2023
Use of gender indicators to monitor the quality of new national strategic documents and their implementation was the focus of the workshop the OSCE Mission to Montenegro organized for the General Secretariat of the Government on 28 February.
OSCE Mission to Montenegro organizes training course on gender budgeting for 10 ministries
Publishing date: 28 February 2023
On 27 February, the OSCE Mission to Montenegro delivered advanced training course complimented with mentoring to participants coming from 10 ministries on how to implement the guidelines for gender-responsive budgeting and reporting, developed in 2022 with the Mission’s support.