Training-of-trainers on policing and human rights in the framework of the Women, Peace and Security agenda
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The training aims to provide participants with an overview of ODIHR’s work related to policing and human rights and to offer them practical recommendations on how to implement the WPS agenda in their daily work. During the training, participants will be introduced to different human rights topics as well as trained on how to deliver the training content to the staff of their respective institutions.
OSCE participating States have committed to promote the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (UNSCR 1325), a landmark document reaffirming the importance of women ́s participation and full involvement in maintaining and promoting peace and security. Based on this framework, ODIHR is promoting a gender-responsive and human rights-compliant delivery of security across the OSCE region. In collaboration with security sector institutions, and often in close cooperation with OSCE field operations, ODIHR regularly delivers training to these institutions, as well as to civil society organizations.
To support participating States in implementing the WPS agenda, ODIHR together with the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) and UN Women published a Gender and Security Toolkit (2019) containing nine tools and four policy briefs. The Toolkit aims to provide States with strategies and practical steps to integrate a gender perspective in the security and justice sector institutions, fostering a more inclusive environment within the institutions.
This training is by invitation only.