Participatory gender assessment: Workshop for Kyrgyzstan’s parliament
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As part of support ODIHR provides to parliaments in the OSCE region in becoming more gender-sensitive, the Office is organizing a participatory gender assessement workshop for the parliament (Jogorku Kenesh) of Kyrgyzstan on 24 October 2021.
The workshop aims to:
- identify good practices and challenges in integrating a gender perspective into the parliament’s work;
- suggest concrete activities for the parliament to become more gender-sensitive and lead by example to encourage similar steps by other institutions in the country.
The workshop targets members of parliament and parliamentary staff, as well as representatives of civil society organizations. The workshop conclusions will be integrated into an assessment report with concrete and action-oriented recommendations, aiming to support the Jogorku Kenesh in drafting and adopting a parliamentary gender action plan.
Why is it important?
When parliamentary processes, regulations, mechanisms and organizational culture become more gender-sensitive, parliaments are able to better deliver for all women and men. Gender-sensitive parliaments are more representative, able to include a gender perspective in lawmaking and to make sure that gender is taken into account when conducting oversight of the executive. Learn more about this topic in ODIHR’s guide “Realizing Gender Equality in Parliament”, with good practices from 46 OSCE national parliaments, available in English, Russian and Montenegrin.
In case of questions, please reach out to Saša Gavrić, ODIHR’s Associate Gender Officer,