Civil society representatives tackle key NGO management issues at OSCE Mission to Moldova-supported event

The OSCE Mission to Moldova held the second in a year-long series of Civil Society Club meetings for NGOs from the left bank of the Dniester/Nistru River, which took place on 26 May 2016 in Chisinau and brought together 18 NGO representatives.
During the event, participants discussed the process of registering NGOs in accordance with the relevant legislation, as well as other administrative procedures. Participants exchanged good practices and experiences on how to improve their skills and better manage the administrative requirements. The NGO representatives developed ways to more effectively manage their daily work. They also received guidance on planned amendments to legislation regulating public associations from an expert in this field.
Civil Society Club meetings serve as an informal platform for dialogue among NGOs from the left bank of the Dniester/Nistru River. These meetings are part of a year-long project implemented jointly by the OSCE Mission to Moldova and the Tiraspol-based Apriori Legal Information Centre, which provides capacity-building assistance to local civil society organizations. Three more meetings of the Civil Society Club are planned this year.