Seminar on organized environmental crime
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The OSCE Mission in Kosovo will organize a one-day seminar on environmental crime on 5 October 2011.
This seminar will be first of its kind to be held in Kosovo with the aim of initiating a co-ordinated approach to addressing this emerging form of organized crime.
It will bring together representatives of the Kosovo Ministries of Internal Affairs and Environment and Spatial Planning, municipalities, international and local policing agencies, the Kosovo Judicial Council and environmental groups.
It will examine global, Kosovo-wide and municipal aspects of environmental crime and provide basic information to relevant institutions on how to react to current and emerging types of environmental crime including the illegal import and disposal of hazardous waste, river pollution, and illegal wood cutting, and sand and gravel exploitation.
A set of recommendations on how to improve co-operation between central and local level institutions, and how to improve police and prosecution response to environmental crime will also be issued.