Press statements of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
OSCE representative Désir urges to reverse conviction of Turkish journalists after Strasbourg court acknowledges their rights have been violated
Publishing date: 20 March 2018
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Türkiye
VIENNA, 20 March 2018 – “The decision of the European Court of Human Rights shows clearly that the rights to liberty and security, as well as to freedom of expression of two Turkish journalists, Şahin Alpay and Mehmet Altan, have been violated,” the OSCE media freedom representative Harlem Désir said in a reaction on the Strasbourg court ruling...
All Cumhuriyet journalists must be released, says OSCE representative Désir following continued detention of CEO Atalay
Publishing date: 16 March 2018
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Türkiye
NEW YORK, 16 March 2018 – “Continuing the detention of Cumhuriyet CEO Akın Atalay, in a trial that has failed to produce proof of wrongdoing by the defendant, is unacceptable and deeply worrying,” OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir said today, hours after the seventh hearing concluded in the Cumhuriyet trial in Silivri, outside of Istanbul.
OSCE Désir welcomes the release of two Cumhuriyet journalists, calls on Turkey to free Akın Atalay and drop charges against all defendants
Publishing date: 9 March 2018
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Türkiye
VIENNA, 9 March 2018- Following the interim court decision in Silivri to release two Cumhuriyet staff members, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir repeated his call to Turkey to release the last imprisoned defendant and drop charges against all 17 defendants of the trial.
OSCE representative Désir urges Turkey to release and drop charges against 25 media workers sentenced to prison, including journalists Aksoy and Taş
Publishing date: 9 March 2018
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Türkiye
VIENNA, 9 March 2018 – Yesterday’s court sentencing against 25 media workers shows the immense pressure to which media are exposed in the country, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir said today.
OSCE representative Désir urges Turkey to release and drop charges against 25 media workers sentenced to prison, including journalists Aksoy and Taş
Publishing date: 9 March 2018
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Türkiye
VIENNA, 9 March 2018 – Yesterday’s court sentencing against 25 media workers shows the immense pressure to which media are exposed in the country, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir said today.
Ahead of parliamentary debate in Turkey, OSCE representative Désir presents legal review on online broadcasting, urges protection of media pluralism
Publishing date: 28 February 2018
What we do: Media laws, Media pluralism
Location: Türkiye
OTTAWA, 28 February 2018 – The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Harlem Désir, yesterday shared a legal review with the Turkish authorities on elements of a bill that, if adopted, could restrict online broadcasting and further limit media pluralism in the country.
Life sentences for Turkish journalists are an unprecedented, unacceptable attack on freedom of expression, say UN and OSCE representatives
Publishing date: 16 February 2018
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Türkiye
VIENNA, 16 February 2018 – Today’s court decision to imprison journalists for life constitutes an unparalleled level of suppression of dissenting voices in Turkey, Harlem Désir, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media and David Kaye, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of opinion and expression said today.
OSCE media freedom representative Désir welcomes release of journalist Deniz Yücel in Turkey
Publishing date: 16 February 2018
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Türkiye
VIENNA, 16 February 2018 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir today welcomed the release of the German-Turkish journalist Deniz Yücel.
Detention of hundreds in Turkey for expressing dissenting views on military operation in Afrin is unacceptable, OSCE representative warns
Publishing date: 7 February 2018
What we do: Media freedom on the internet, Safety of journalists
Location: Türkiye
VIENNA, 7 February 2018 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir turned to the authorities of Turkey yesterday to strongly contest the detention of hundreds of social media users for expressing their critical views on the Afrin operations in Syria...
OSCE media freedom representative calls on Turkey to release detained journalists and respect everyone’s right to express ideas freely
Publishing date: 26 January 2018
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Türkiye
VIENNA, 26 January 2018 – The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir today called on the Turkish authorities to drop terrorism charges against journalists and set them free...