Press statements of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
OSCE media freedom representative alarmed by another attack on newspaper in Montenegro
Publishing date: 13 February 2014
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Montenegro
VIENNA, 13 February 2014 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today condemned yet another attack on daily newspaper Vijesti in Montenegro...
OSCE media freedom representative calls amendments to Latvian criminal law potentially harmful to free expression, free media
Publishing date: 14 February 2014
What we do: Media laws
Location: Latvia
VIENNA, 14 February 2014 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today expressed concern about proposed amendments to the Criminal Law of the Republic of Latvia that criminalize “the public denial or glorification of Soviet and Nazi actions against Latvia.”
OSCE media freedom representative concerned about police intimidation of journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Publishing date: 14 February 2014
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina
VIENNA, 14 February 2014- OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today expressed concern about the intimidation of a journalist by law enforcement officers in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina...
OSCE media freedom representative concerned about obstruction of journalists’ work in Armenia
Publishing date: 14 February 2014
What we do: Media self-regulation, Safety of journalists
Location: Armenia
VIENNA, 14 February 2014 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today expressed concern about police obstruction of journalists’ activities while covering a public demonstration in Yerevan on 12 February...
OSCE media freedom representative calls on Turkish President to veto Internet Law, return it for public consultations
Publishing date: 17 February 2014
What we do: Media freedom on the internet, Media laws
Location: Türkiye
VIENNA, 17 February 2014 – The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović, today called on President of Turkey Abdullah Gül to veto the Internet Law and return it to Parliament and civil society for further discussions...
OSCE media freedom representative condemns killing of journalist in Ukraine
Publishing date: 19 February 2014
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Ukraine
VIENNA, 19 February 2014- OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today called on the Ukrainian authorities to ensure journalists’ safety following last night’s violence in Kyiv during which Vesti daily journalist Vyacheslav Veremyi was killed...
Switzerland should safeguard journalists’ right to protection of sources
Publishing date: 21 February 2014
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Switzerland
VIENNA, 21 February 2014 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today called on Swiss authorities to improve journalists’ rights following a court ruling ordering Nina Jecker, a Basler Zeitung reporter, to identify her source in a criminal trial...
Closure of Pravdivaya Gazeta curbs media pluralism in Kazakhstan, says OSCE media freedom representative
Publishing date: 26 February 2014
What we do: Media pluralism
Location: Kazakhstan
NEW YORK, 26 February 2014 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today expressed concern about the closure of the Kazakhstan newspaper Pravdivaya Gazeta, following a verdict by a district court in Almaty on 24 February...
Damage award against journalist in Tajikistan may stifle public debate, says OSCE media freedom representative
Publishing date: 26 February 2014
What we do: Media pluralism
Location: Tajikistan
NEW YORK, 26 February 2014- OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today expressed regret over a decision by a court in Tajikistan requiring journalist Olga Tutubalina to pay damages for defaming the country’s intelligentsia...
Banning TV, radio broadcasts poses threat to media freedom in Ukraine, OSCE representative says
Publishing date: 26 February 2014
What we do: Media pluralism
Location: Ukraine
NEW YORK, 26 February 2014 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today expressed concern about an initiative by a group of members of Ukraine’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, to ban broadcasts of some television and radio programmes in the country...