Press statements of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
OSCE Media Representative concerned over sentencing of journalists in Russia
Publishing date: 7 January 2002
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Russia
VIENNA, 7 January 2002-- At the end of December 2001, two journalists were sentenced in Russia to prison terms. Grigory Pasko, a military journalist, was convicted of treason by a military court in Vladivostok...
OSCE Media Representative: more needs to be done to safeguard journalists working in conflict zones
Publishing date: 27 November 2001
What we do: Conflict prevention and resolution, Safety of journalists
VIENNA, 27 November 2001-- Several journalists have been killed over the past weeks in Afghanistan. Fifty-six journalists have already been killed world-wide this year, up from 53 in 2000, according to the World Association of Newspapers...
OSCE sets up hot line for journalists in Tajikistan
Publishing date: 28 September 2001
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Tajikistan
VIENNA, 28 September 2001 (OSCE)-- In the aftermath of the attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., that led to numerous casualties and prompted governments to prepare to combat terror, hundreds of journalists are either on their way or are already...
Freimut Duve: fighting terrorism should not be used as an excuse to violate basic human rights
Publishing date: 27 September 2001
What we do: Media laws
VIENNA, 27 September 2001 (OSCE)-- The world public is still mourning the victims of the 11 September attacks on New York and Washington, D.C. Many governments are already actively developing new approaches to their securit...
OSCE human rights office calls for independent investigation of unsolved disappearances and murders in Belarus and Ukraine
Publishing date: 24 September 2001
What we do: Human rights
WARSAW, 21 September 2001 (OSCE)-- The OSCE's human rights institution, the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), today called for an independent investigation of the murder of the Ukrainian journalist Georgyi Gongadze...
OSCE Media Representative to address press in Skopje
Publishing date: 12 September 2001
SKOPJE, 12 September 2001 (OSCE)-- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Freimut Duve, will address the press in Skopje tomorrow, 13 September. The OSCE Spillover Monitoring Mission to Skopje...
OSCE Media Representative to hold discussions with journalists in Skopje
Publishing date: 10 September 2001
What we do: Media laws, National minority issues, Media pluralism, Safety of journalists
Location: North Macedonia
VIENNA, 10 September 2001 (OSCE)-- For 13 September 2001, Freimut Duve, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, has invited journalists and editors for a one day conference on the tasks, the chances and the challenges of free journalism...
Freimut Duve: independent newspaper confiscated in Belarus
Publishing date: 21 August 2001
What we do: Media pluralism
Location: Belarus
VIENNA, 21 August 2001 (OSCE)-- On 17 August, 400,000 copies of a special issue of the independent Belarus newspaper Nasha Svaboda were confiscated at the private publishing house Magic in Minsk by police from the Committee for Financial...
OSCE Mission to monitor investigation into 1999 bombing of Serb state media station
Publishing date: 10 August 2001
What we do: Human rights
BELGRADE, 10 August 2001 (OSCE)-- Representatives of the OSCE Mission to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia met with relatives of two victims of the 1999 Radio Televizija Srbije (RTS) bombing in Aberdareva Street...
Freimut Duve concerned over attack on journalists in Genoa
Publishing date: 27 July 2001
What we do: Human rights, Safety of journalists
Location: Italy
VIENNA, 27 July 2001 (OSCE)-- On 27 July, Freimut Duve, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, intervened with the Italian Foreign Minister Renato Ruggiero regarding actions by the Italian police against journalists...