Press statements of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
OSCE Media Representative condemns the murder and kidnapping of journalists in Iraq
Publishing date: 31 August 2004
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Iraq
VIENNA, 31 August 2004- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti, condemned the recent murder of Italian freelance journalist Enzo Baldoni, executed in Iraq last week and demanded the release of two French journalists...
Second OSCE Internet Media Freedom Conference opens in Amsterdam
Publishing date: 27 August 2004
What we do: Media freedom on the internet
AMSTERDAM, 27 August 2004- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti, today opened a conference entitled "Guaranteeing Media Freedom on the Internet" in the Amsterdam...
OSCE Media Representative to hold conference on media freedom on the Internet
Publishing date: 23 August 2004
What we do: Media freedom on the internet
VIENNA/AMSTERDAM, 23 August 2004- "Guaranteeing Media Freedom on the Internet" is the title of the 2nd Amsterdam Internet Conference to be held on 27 and 28 August 2004. It will be hosted by Miklos Haraszti, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of...
OSCE Media Representative concerned over size of libel case fine in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 22 July 2004
What we do: Decriminalization of defamation
Location: Kazakhstan
VIENNA, 22 July 2004- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti, is concerned about the high level of a fine imposed on the Kazakh weekly newspaper Assandi-Times, and has raised the case with Kasymzhomart Tokayev...
OSCE Media Representative appalled by murder of Russian Forbes magazine editor
Publishing date: 12 July 2004
What we do: Human rights, Safety of journalists
Location: Russia
VIENNA, 12 July 2004- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti, said on Monday he was appalled at the murder of magazine editor Paul Khlebnikov in Moscow. "I am horrified at this brutal killing and call on the Russian...
OSCE Media Representative asks Hungary and Poland to remove prison sentences from libel law
Publishing date: 9 July 2004
What we do: Decriminalization of defamation
Locations: Hungary, Poland
VIENNA, 9 July 2004- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti, has raised with the Justice Ministers in both Hungary and Poland several recent cases of journalists being sentenced to prison for libel...
OSCE Media Representative concerned about deportation of journalist from Belarus
Publishing date: 23 June 2004
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Belarus
VIENNA, 23 June 2004- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti, has expressed his serious concern about the decision on 21 June by the Belarusian security services, the KGB, to deport Mihail Padalyak, a journalist from the...
OSCE Media Representative discusses hard-hitting report on Kosovo media face-to-face with journalists
Publishing date: 6 May 2004
What we do: Media laws, Media pluralism, Media self-regulation
VIENNA, 6 May 2004- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti, presented his recent critical report on the media behaviour during the mid-March riots in Kosovo to TV, radio and print journalists at press conferences he gave in...
OSCE free media representative finds Kosovo press coverage of March violence "reckless and sensationalist"
Publishing date: 22 April 2004
What we do: Media pluralism, Safety of journalists
VIENNA, 22 April 2004- The recent violence in Kosovo might have been avoided without the "reckless and sensationalist reporting" by local media, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti, said today...
OSCE Media Representative greets decision by Kazakhstan President to send media law for review
Publishing date: 8 April 2004
What we do: Media laws
Location: Kazakhstan
VIENNA, 8 April 2004- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti, has expressed his satisfaction with the decision of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev to send a contested draft media law to the Constitutional Council...