Press statements of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
OSCE media freedom representative calls for end to crackdown on independent media in Belarus
Publishing date: 5 January 2011
What we do: Media pluralism, Safety of journalists
Location: Belarus
VIENNA, 5 January 2011 – The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatovic, called today for an end to the attacks on independent media in Belarus and urged authorities to immediately release imprisoned journalists...
Hungarian media law further endangers media freedom, says OSCE media freedom representative
Publishing date: 21 December 2010
What we do: Democratization, Media laws, Media pluralism, Rule of law
Location: Hungary
VIENNA, 22 December 2010 – Hungary's new media law violates OSCE media freedom standards and endangers editorial independence and media pluralism, Dunja Mijatovic, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, said today...
OSCE media freedom representative: Belarus needs media pluralism
Publishing date: 27 October 2010
What we do: Democratization, Human rights, Media pluralism
Location: Belarus
MINSK, 27 October 2010- Belarusian media and society need media pluralism, the OSCE Representative on Media Freedom, Dunja Mijatovic, said today, adding that her office is ready to offer support and advice as the country liberalizes...
Media pluralism in Tajikistan in danger, OSCE media freedom representative warns
Publishing date: 18 October 2010
What we do: Media pluralism
Location: Tajikistan
VIENNA, 18 October 2010- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatovic, said today that she was concerned about recent developments limiting media access and freedom and increasing pressure on independent media in Tajikistan...
OSCE media freedom representative: Ukraine should take swift and resolute measures to entrench its exemplary record in media pluralism
Publishing date: 13 October 2010
What we do: Human rights, Media pluralism, Rule of law
Location: Ukraine
KYIV, 13 October 2010- Ukraine has achieved a great level of media freedom but it must take urgent steps to safeguard it, Dunja Mijatovic, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, said today...
OSCE media freedom representative calls for thorough and independent investigation into death of opposition website director in Belarus
Publishing date: 6 September 2010
Location: Belarus
VIENNA, 6 September 2010- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatovic, said today she was troubled by the recent death of one of the leading journalists behind the Belarusian opposition website Charter97 and called for...
OSCE media freedom representative commends appointment of supervisory board for Kyrgyzstan's public service broadcaster, urges swift reform
Publishing date: 30 August 2010
What we do: Media pluralism
Location: Kyrgyzstan
VIENNA, 30 August 2010- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatovic, commended today the appointment of a supervisory board for Kyrgyzstan's public service broadcaster and called on the board to move rapidly to provide viewers...
OSCE media freedom representative meets Kyrgyz President Rosa Otunbayeva, offers support for further media reforms
Publishing date: 19 July 2010
What we do: Media laws, Media pluralism
Location: Kyrgyzstan
BISHKEK, 19 July 2010- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatovic, today met Kyrgyz President Roza Otunbayeva to promote the establishment of a public service broadcaster and support further media reforms in Kyrgyzstan...
Armenian broadcasting law fails to guarantee media pluralism, says OSCE media freedom representative
Publishing date: 15 June 2010
What we do: Human rights, Media pluralism, Rule of law
Location: Armenia
VIENNA, 15 June- Despite amendments, Armenia's new Law on Television and Radio fails to promote broadcast pluralism in the digital era, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatovic, said today...
OSCE media freedom representative calls for amendments to Armenia's draft broadcast law to promote media pluralism
Publishing date: 1 June 2010
What we do: Human rights, Media pluralism, Rule of law
Location: Armenia
VIENNA, 1 June 2010- Dunja Mijatovic, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, today urged the Armenian authorities to bring the country's draft broadcast law in line with OSCE and international standards before it is adopted...