Press statements of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
Concern about media intimidation in Russia
Publishing date: 17 January 2000
What we do: Media pluralism, Safety of journalists
Location: Russia
VIENNA, 17 January 2000-- On 24 January 2000, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Freimut...
OSCE calls for charges against Babitsky to be dropped
Publishing date: 29 February 2000
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Russia
VIENNA, 29 February 2000-- Freimut Duve, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, welcomes the news from Russia that Andrei Babitsky, the Radio Liberty correspondent in...
Freimut Duve: Onslaught against Serbian media continues
Publishing date: 12 April 2000
What we do: Safety of journalists
Location: Serbia
VIENNA, 12 April 2000-- On 12 April, Freimut Duve, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, responded to a letter sent to him by the Yugoslav Ambassador to Austria, Rados Smiljkovic, who accused...
Free journalism- the shield of democracy in periods of conflict
Publishing date: 3 May 2000
What we do: Media laws, Media pluralism, Safety of journalists
VIENNA, 3 May 2000- On the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, 3 May, Abid Hussain, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Freimut Duve, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media...
Bambiland brutality- Milosevic's family hurts the dignity of the citizens of Serbia
Publishing date: 16 May 2000
What we do: Media pluralism
VIENNA, 16 May 2000-- Freimut Duve, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, strongly condemns the recent series of repressive actions...
New OSCE website provides links to media NGOs
Publishing date: 26 May 2000
What we do: Digital switchover
VIENNA, 26 May 2000-- The Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media launched its new internet website today, The new website contains regularly...
Free media in Southeast Europe conference planned for Sarajevo
Publishing date: 22 June 2000
What we do: Media laws, Media pluralism, Safety of journalists
Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina
VIENNA, 22 June 2000-- The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, the OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Council of Europe...
Freimut Duve accused by Belgrade government of being a "German agent"
Publishing date: 27 July 2000
What we do: Media pluralism, Safety of journalists
Location: Serbia
VIENNA, 27 July 2000-- Freimut Duve, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, is dismayed by the sentencing of a Serbian journalist, Miroslav Filipovic, to seven years in prison on 26 July 2000 by the Nis military court.
OSCE Chairperson-in-Office condemns sentencing of Yugoslav opposition party official
Publishing date: 4 August 2000
VIENNA, 4 August 2000- The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Foreign Minister of Austria Benita Ferrero-Waldner, condemns the recent sentencing of Cedomir Jovanovic...
Daily reports issued on journalism and elections in Serbia
Publishing date: 6 September 2000
What we do: Media pluralism, Safety of journalists
Location: Serbia
VIENNA, 6 September 2000-- Freimut Duve, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, has started issuing a regular bulletin on Journalism and Elections in Serbia...