OSCE trains law enforcement officers in Kazakhstan on countering transnational organized crime

UST-KAMENOGORSK, Kazakhstan, 1 June 2015 – An OSCE-supported training seminar on countering transnational organized crime and trafficking in drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors began today in Ust-Kamenogorsk, eastern Kazakhstan.
The five-day event was co-organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, the State Revenues Committee of the Finance Ministry and the United States Embassy in Kazakhstan with the aim of enhancing law enforcement officers’ knowledge and improving their skills in addressing these transnational threats.
Some 20 officers representing State Revenues Committee, General Prosecutor’s Office and the Border Service of the National Security Committee as well as customs officials from Azerbaijan, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan will learn best practices on countering transnational organized crime and the illegal drug trafficking from experts from Georgia, Turkey and the United States.
Experts will provide an overview of international experience in identifying and precluding transnational channels of the illicit drug and drug precursor trade as well as of using controlled deliveries and psychological techniques to identify drug traffickers. Interactive exercises will simulate real-life situations that officers might encounter in their everyday work.
The event is the second in a series of five events dedicated to this topic planned by the Office this year. It is part of the Office’s activities aimed to build the host country’s capacities to prevent and counter transnational organized crime with a specific focus on trafficking in drugs.