Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Supporting sustainable economic growth and stability in the region is an important part of the OSCE’s comprehensive approach to security. The OSCE fosters international co-operation on a variety of economic issues, including migration, transport, economic empowerment of women, anti-corruption and countering money laundering and terrorism financing.
The Organization promotes the development of comprehensive and effective labour migration policies and provides training for public officials and civil society. It pays particular attention to gender aspects of labour migration. For example, it provides guidance on how to understand, identify and incorporate a gender aspect when developing and implementing labour migration policies. It helps participating States to develop and implement effective policies to combat all forms of trafficking in human beings, including forced labour.
In order to promote economic connectivity and co-operation across the OSCE region, the Organization works to enhance the business and investment climate and streamlining and simplify regulatory and administrative frameworks. To achieve these goals, it provides targeted regional training and workshops, keeping a particular eye on the special needs of landlocked developing countries. For example, it has organized, jointly with other organizations such as UNECE and WCO, regional workshops in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan on enhancing trade facilitation.